California Farm Bureau Federation: Meetings focus on budget and immigration policy
Dirk Giannini, a vegetable grower and president of the Monterey County Farm Bureau, expressed concern with pending legislation that would make mandatory the voluntary E-Verify program. That, coupled with an ineffective H-2A guestworker program that doesn't work for California, would result in serious problems, he said.
"Immigration reform is in a serious crisis right now in Arizona and California, with a tight labor force and others that cannot legally migrate to California to work," Giannini said. "In each meeting I participated in, I was able to convey that we've got to come up with a program to secure workers and if we do nothing or if just come out of here with E-Verify, we're going to fail."悲しい話だが、不法移民は安い賃金で長時間働く。彼らがいるから、我々は廉価な野菜や果物を手に入れられると思って良い。仮に保守派の主張通りに不法移民を農場から一掃したとして、代わりに誰が働くというのだろう。職がないと困っているアメリカ人と言えども、過酷で低賃金な農場で長時間働くだろうか。結局のところ、上の引用にあるように、カリフォルニアの農業全体が失速するのでは。
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